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New Member Experience

The Phi Program – This eight-week new member program enhances the Phi Mu Experience by helping new members transition into Fraternity membership.  The online component includes an orientation, expectations of membership and journal prompts which help our new members begin their lifetime involvement in Phi Mu.  The online modules in partnership with Phi meetings provide new members with the framework for personal, academic, social and professional growth.  

The Phi process is and 8 week journey where the new members learn about Phi Mu's history dating back from 1852 while understand what it is to be a classy Phi Mu lady. This journey is all about ensuring that the Phis are learning and getting to know the initiated sisters as well. As a Phi they go on cub encounters which is when the Provisional Membership Director pairs them up with another Phi to go out for dinner or coffee while they get to know each other. Phis also go on lion dates with initiated sister so they can hear about other girls journeys and how it felt when they finally became an initiated sister. One of the most exciting programs for the Phis is the big sis/little sis program, which a week where the Phis get smothered in gifts by their big and at the end of the week we have reveal showing off the new big sis/little sis pairs. Phi Mu is a natonally no-hazing philinthropic organization. The Phi process is geared for the Phi's to enjoy their journey, learn as much as they can so eventually they can pass these traditions down to the next pledge classes to come.